44 books • 34 series
Coding Activities for Building Websites with HTML (Code Creator)
Coding Activities for Making Animation and Art in Scratch (Code Creator)
Earth's Plastic Problem (Spotlight on Global Issues)
Energy Solutions for All (Spotlight on Global Issues)
The Best-Selling App (Power Coders)
Wendie Ayche (Top Youtube Stars)
Build Your Computer Security Skills (Unplugged Activities for Future Coders)
Jenna Marbles (Top Youtube Stars)
Tyler Ninja Blevins (Top Video Gamers in the World)
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner (Power Couples)
Getting to Know Minecraft(r) (Code Power: A Teen Programmer's Guide)
Jeff Bezos (Influential Lives)
Edward Snowden (Influential Lives)
Famous Immigrant Artists (Making America Great: Immigrant Success Stories)
The Truth Behind Soft Drinks (From Factory to Table: What You're Really Eating)
The Truth Behind Snack Foods
Building by Design Set 2 (Set) (Building by Design Set 2) (Building by Design Set 2) (Building by Design Set 2) (Building by Design Set 2) (Building by Design Set 2)
Engineering the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Building by Design Set 2)
Human Spaceflight (From Earth to the Stars)
Everything You Need to Know about Gun Violence (Need to Know Library)