267 books
The Savoy Opera and the Savoyards
Sir Henry Irving, a Biography
The Life and Times of William IV. Volume 1; Including a View of Social Life and Manners During His Reign
The Royal Dukes and Princesses of the Family of George III. a View of Court Life and Manners for Seventy Years, 1760-1830 Volume 1
Never Forgotten, a Story
The Parvenu Family (Volume 1); Or, Phoebe
The Parvenu Family (Volume 2); Or, Phoebe
The Parvenu Family (Volume 3); Or, Phoebe
The Lives of the Sheridans. with Engravings on Steel by Stodart and Every Volume 1
The Life and Times of John Wilkes, M. P., Lord Mayor of London, and Chamberlain, Volume 2
The Great Canal at Suez
Charles Townshend; Wit and Statesman
The Life and Times of William IV; Including a View of Social Life and Manners During His Reign Volume 2
Chronicles of Bow Street Police-Office (Volume 2); With an Account of the Magistrates, "Runners," and Police; And a Selection of the Most
Fifty Years of Catholic Life and Social Progress (Volume 1); Under Cardinals Wiseman, Manning, Vaughan and Newman, with an Account of the
Kings and Queens of an Hour (Volume 1); Records of Love, Romance, Oddity, and Adventure
Chronicles of Bow Street Police-Office
The Life of George the Fourth, Including His Letters and Opinions; With a View of the Men, Manners, and Politics of His Reign
Fifty Years of Catholic Life and Social Progress (Volume 2); Under Cardinals Wiseman, Manning, Vaughan and Newman; With an Account of the
London City Suburbs as They Are To-Day
Boswell's Autobiography
The Life and Times of William IV. Including a View of Social Life and Manners During His Reign
A Critical Examination of Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill's "Johnsonian" Editions
Henry Irving