238 books • 34 series
Date: 2002-10-18Thomas Mann (1875-1955) was the 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate. His first major novel, Buddenbrooks, had sold over a million copies in Germany alone before it was banned and burned by Hitler.
Love and Enchantment
Dr. Faust
Auszeitweg Nr. 18
The Magic Mountain & Death in Venice & Doctor Faustus
Der Zauberberg. Zweiter Band
Tonio Kröger; [Erstausgabe; Illustrationen von Erich M. Simon]
Der Zauberberg. Erster Band
Singtail's Idiom Collection
Der Tod in Venedig (Annotated)
Lost in Venice
Correspondence with Theodor Adorno, 1943-1955
Doktor Faustus / Doctor Faustus
La muerte en Venecia / Death in Venice
La montaña mágica / The Magic Mountain
Tonio Kroeger
Der Tod in Venedig: Novelle (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Novellen, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
A Christmas Carol at 221B
Death in Venice and Other Stories (Vintage Classic Europeans Series) (Vintage Classic Europeans)
London After Midnight
Das Wunderkind (Classic Reprint)
Friedrich Und Die Grosse Koalition (Classic Reprint)
Buddenbrooks Verfall einer Familie (Illustrated)