276 books • 2 series
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Volume 3; In the Original Greek
St. Paul's Epistles; The General Epistles the Book of Revelation and Indexes
Ecclesiastical Biography, Or, Lives of Eminent Men Connected with the History of Religion in England Volume 4
Athens and Attica; Notes of a Tour. with Maps and Plans
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Volume 4; In the Original Greek. with Introd. and Notes by Chr[istopher] Wordsworth
The Ancient Kalendar of the University of Oxford, from Documents of the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century; Together with Computus Manualis Ad Usum Oxoniensium, from C. Kyrfoth's Edition, Oxon., 1519-20 (with Seven Facsimiles).
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Volume 3; In the Original Greek, with Notes and Introductions
From the Day of Pentecost to the Council of Nicaea, A.D. 325
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Statutes of Lincoln Cathedral, Volume 2, Part 1...
Ecclesiastical Biography or Lives of Eminent Men
The Holy Year; Or, Hymns for Sundays and Holydays [By C. Wordsworth].
The New Testament in the Original Greek
Miscellanies, Literary and Religious Volume 3
Elements of Instruction Concerning the Church; Chiefly from the Fifth Edition of Theophilus Anglicanus
Diocesan Addresses Delivered at His Third Triennial Visitation, in 1876
Six Letters to Granville Sharp, Esq; Respecting His Remarks on the Uses of the Definitive Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament
The Ancient Kalendar of the University of Oxford, from Documents of the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century Volume 45; Together with Computus Manualis Ad Usum Oxoniensium, from C. Kyrfoth's Edition, Oxon., 1519-20 (with Seven Facsimiles).
The Holy Year, Or, Hymns for Sundays, Holidays, and Other Occasions Throughout the Year
Ecclesiastical Biography or Lives of Eminent Men Volume 1; Connected with the History of Religion in England from the Comencement of the Reformation to the Revolution Selected and Illustrated with Notes in Six Volumes
Christian Institutes (Volume 2); A Series of Discourses and Tracts Selected, Arranged Systematically, and Illustrated with Notes
Christian Institutes Volume 4; A Series of Discourses and Tracts Selected, Arranged Systematically, and Illustrated with Notes
Ecclesiastical Biography (Volume 5); Or, Lives of Eminent Men, Connected with the History of Religion in England from the Commencement of the Reformation to the Revolution
Sermons, Preached at Harrow School