Jimmy Palmiotti is a multi-award-winning comic book creator with a wide range of experience in advertising, production, editorial, film writing and production, media presentation, and video game development. He has created and co-created numerous series and characters, including The New West, The Monolith, 21 Down, The ResistanceGatecrasher, Beautiful Killer, Back to Brooklyn, The Tattered Man and Painkiller Jane. Currently he is co-writing DC's All-Star Western and Batwing with Justin Gray, as well as Harley Quinn with Amanda Conner.

Amanda Conner started out in comics after working as an illustrator for New York ad agencies. However, loving comic books and cartooning the most, Amanda found work at Archie, Marvel and Claypool Comics early in her career. She's probably best known for her work on Vampirella for Harris Comics, as well as Painkiller Jane, Codename Knockout, Birds Of Prey, and the creator-owned books Gatecrasher and The Pro (with Jimmy Palmiotti and Garth Ennis).