286 books • 1 series
Robert Ervin Howard was born in Texas in 1906 and worked at various menial jobs before becoming a full-time writer across various genres including cowboy stories, horror and fantasy fiction.
Red Nails (Annotated)
Mountain Man Illustrated
Black Colossus(Conan the Barbarian #4) Annotated
People of the Dark Illustrated
The Scarlet Citadel Annotated (Conan the Barbarian, #2)
Jewels of Gwahlur illustrated
The Pool Of The Black One Illustrated
Worms Of the Earth Annotated
Shadows in Zamboula Annotated
The Pool Of The Black One Annotated (Conan the Barbarian, #5)
Pigeons from Hell Illustrated
People of the Dark Annotated
Beyond the Black River Annotated illustrated
Shadows in the Moonlight Annotated illustrated
People of the Dark Annotated illustrated
Beyond the Black River Illustrated
Queen of the Black Coast illustrated
Black Colossus illustrated
The Phoenix on the Sword Annotated (Conan the Barbarian, #1)
Shadows in the Moonlight Annotated (Conan the Barbarian, #20)
A Witch Shall be Born Illustrated
The Hour of the Dragon Conan the Barbarian #14 Illustrated
The Bull Dog Breed illustrated
The Phoenix on the Sword Illustrated