1,300 books • 56 series
The Rush for the Spoil (La Curee)
The Kill (La Curee)
L'Attaque du Moulin: Drame Lyrique en Quatre Actes (Classic Reprint) (Litterature)
L'Assommoir; A Realistic Novel
The Heirs of Rabourdin: A Comedy in Three Acts (Classic Reprint)
Le Voeu D'Une Morte
Son Excellence Eugene Rougon
Les Romanciers Naturalistes: Balzac, Stendhal, Gustave Flaubert, (Ed.1881) (Litterature)
La V Rit En Marche
Le R ve
Piping Hot! (Pot-Bouille.) a Realistic Novel
Documents Litt Raires
For a Night; The Maid of the Dawber; Complements
La Mort D'Oliver Becaille ET Autres Nouvelles
The Downfall (La Debacle) a Story of the Horrors of War;
The Ladies' Paradise (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
The Downfall; (La Debacle) (the Smash-Up)
His Excellency = Son Exc. Eugène Rougon
Dead Men Tell No Tales
His Masterpiece; L'Oeuvre
The Masterpiece (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
The Downfall (1892)
Jacques Damour/Le Capitaine Burle
The Attack on the Mill (Classics Illustrated JES, JES64)