36 books • 2 series
Kins Shiriaku
Japan 1853-1864, or Genji Yume Monogatari (Classic Reprint)
Japan's Critical Years (Toyo Reference)
A Diplomat in Japan; The Inner History of the Criticial Years in the Evolution of Japan When the Ports Were Opened and the Monarchy Restored - Scholar's Choice Edition
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice Volume 1 - Scholar's Choice Edition
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice Volume 2 - Scholar's Choice Edition
An English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language, by E.M. Satow and Ishibashi Masakata - Scholar's Choice Edition
A Handbook for Travellers in Central & Northern Japan; Being a Guide to T KI, KI To, Zaka, Hakodate, Nagasaki, and Other Cities; The Most Interestin
The Voyage of Captain John Saris to Japan, 1613 - Primary Source Edition
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition
Kinse Shiriaku - Primary Source Edition
Japanese Chronological Tables; - Primary Source Edition
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice; By the Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satow ...
The Silesian Loan and Frederick the Great
Kuaiwa Hen; Twenty-Five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the Use of Students, with Notes Volume 2
Diplomat in Japan; The Inner History of the Critical Years in the Evolution of Japan When the Ports Were Opened & the Monarchy Restored
The Cultivation of Bamboos in Japan
Kuaiwa Hen Volume 1; Twenty-Five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the Use of Students, with Notes
Kuaiwa Hen Volume 2; Twenty-Five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the Use of Students, with Notes
The Jesuit Mission Press in Japan. 1591-1610
Kuaiwa Hen; Twenty-Five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the Use of Students, with Notes
An Austrian Diplomatist in the Fifties. the Rede Lecture Delivered in the Cambridge Senate-House on June 13, 1908
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice (Volume 1)
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice