147 books • 4 series
Mayonaisse Recipes for Gentlefolk
Keith Pepperell's Favorite Naughty Recipes
Naughty Carrot Recipes
The Spinster's Comfort - The Gentlewoman's Special Friend in Pictures
The Gentlewoman's Guide to Cucumbers - Recipes for the Devotee
Hot, Hot, Hot Sauce Recipes
A Shorter Anthology of Zamboni Ice-Resurfacer Drivers {1949-1987}
Name That Rash
Snap, Crackle, and Pep
The Askook Township Snake Wars
Boiling Eggs for Idiots
Cover to Cover
Lady Cumberland's Cookbook
The Dunmow Flitch Trials, Chaucer, Plotinus, and Guinefort
"The Most Delicious Beef Dish Concocted By Man"
A Brief History of Barge Poles
le flux de la conscience d'un cerveau de navet dadaïste
The Wonderful World of Hummus
Once Beet and Twice Shy
You Naughty Brussels Sprouts You!
Cooking for Simpletons
The Song of Tellawoppa