24 books • 12 series
A Day with a Police Officer (Community Helpers at Work)
Investigating Energy Through Modeling
How Are Smartphones Made and Sold? (Where Do Goods Come From?)
Sneakers (Making of Everyday Things)
Money in Politics (Dilemmas in Democracy)
Ice Cream (Making of Everyday Things)
The United States' Role in the World (Discovering America: An Exceptional Nation)
Mouths, Teeth, and Tongues (Animal Structures)
The African American Press
Vetoing Bills (How Government Works)
Vietnam and the Rise of Photojournalism (Fourth Estate: Journalism in North America)
True Teen Stories from Mexico (Surviving Terror: True Teen Stories from Around the World)
Mahatma Gandhi
Henry David Thoreau (Peaceful Protesters)
Information and Action (Everyday Coding)
Completing Tasks (Everyday Coding)
Group Planning, Creating, and Testing (Everyday Coding)
The Power of JavaScript (Power of Coding)
The Silk Road
Minority Soldiers Fighting in the Korean War
Minority Soldiers Fighting in World War I
The Economy in Contemporary Africa
Earth, Sun, and Moon: Cyclic Patterns of Lunar Phases, Eclipses, and the Seasons