672 books • 15 series
Heine. Selections from the Reisebilder and Other Prose Works, Ed. with Notes and Intr. by C. Colbeck
Heinrich Heine's Book of Songs. Tr. by J.E. Wallis
Polnoe Sobranie Sochineni Genrikha Gene, Volume 3
Heinrich Heine's Sammtliche Werke, Volume 12
Heinrich Heine's Sammtliche Werke, Volumes 19-20
Heinrich Heine's Autobiographies
Heinrich Heine's Life Told in His Own Words
Heine's Prose
The Prose Writings. Edited, with an Introd.
Polnoe Sobran E Sochinen, Volume 2
Heinrich Heines Familienleben
Heinrich Heine's Sämmtliche Werke, Volume 19
Heinrich Heine's Sämmtliche Werke, Volume 7
Land Marks of Civilization Pictures of Travel
The Works of Heinrich Heine (Volume 12); Tr. from the German by Charles Godfrey Leland (Hans Breitmann)
Religion and Philosophy in Germany; A Fragment
Correspondance Inédite De Henri Heine
Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos
Heinrich Heine's Memoirs (Volume 2); From His Works, Letters, and Conversations
Italian Travel Sketches
Heinrich Heine's Memoirs (Volume 1); From His Works, Letters, and Conversation
Heinrich Heine's Memoirs, from His Works, Letters, and Conversations (Volume 2); Ed. by Gustav Karpeles. English Translation by Gilbert Cannan
Heinrich Heine's Memoirs, from His Works, Letters, and Conversations (Volume 1); Ed. by Gustav Karpeles. English Translation by Gilbert Cannan