2,261 books
H.R. 2567, the Antifreeze Bittering Act of 2005
Protecting consumers and promoting competition in real estate services
Violent and explicit video games
Empowering shareholders on executive compensation
H.R. 2895
Can Internet gambling be effectively regulated to protect consumers and the payments system?
Use of imaging services
Reauthorization of the HOPE VI Program
Diversity in the financial services industry and access to capital for minority-owned businesses
Mortgage fraud and its impact on mortgage lenders
Perspectives on natural disaster insurance
A review of the airport private security screening pilot program
Hearing on securing the vote
Federal, state, and local roles in rail safety
Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS II)
The Transportation Security Administration's perspective on aviation security
Understanding contemporary public private highway transactions
Perspectives on climate change
The Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007
Water scarcity in the Middle East
Oversight hearing on the elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse in mandatory transportation programs
Commercial fishing vessel safety
The transition from the Federal Aviation Administration to contractor-operated flight service stations