294 books • 3 series
Orthophony; Or the Cultivation of the Voice in Elocution. a Manual of Elementary Exercises, Adapted to Dr. Rush's "Philosophy of the Human Voice," and the System of Vocal Culture Introduced by Mr. James E. Murdoch
The American Common-School Reader and Speaker Volume 5; Being a Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse, with Rules for Reading and Speaking
Military Life
Normal Training; The Principles and Methods of Human Culture a Series of Lectures Addressed to Young Teachers
The Heir-At-Law, and Other Tales, by Waters
History of Modern Europe Volume 2; With a View to the Progress of Society, from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 1763
The History of Ancient Europe Volume 2; With a View of the Revolutions in Asia and Africa. in a Series of Letters to a Young Nobleman
Manual of Mutual Instruction; Consisting of Mr. Fowle's Directions for Introducing in Common Schools the Improved System Adopted in the Monitorial School, Boston. with an Appendix, Containing Some Considerations in Favor of the Monitorial Method, and a Ske
Leaves from the Diary of a Law-Clerk, by the Author of 'Recollections of a Detective Police Officer'.
The History of Modern Europe Volume 2; With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and a View of the Progress of Society from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris in 1763, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to His Son
The History of Modern Europe Volume 5; With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris in 1763
Spelling-Book, or Second Course of Lessons in Spelling and Reading; Designed as a Sequel to the Author's Primer, and an Introduction to the Other Parts of His Elementary and Common-School Series
Address on Infant Schools
Autobiography of an English Detective, by 'Waters'.
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal Volume 16
The History of Modern Europe; In a Ser. of Letters from a Nobleman (W. Russell).
Arterial Hypertonus, Sclerosis and Blood-Pressure
Two Love Stories, by the Author of 'a Skeleton in Every House'.
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal (Volume 18)
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal (Volume 14)
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal (Volume 20)
Supplicatory Addresses to the One Everliving and True God; To Which Are Added a Few Hymns
The History of Modern Europe (Volume 4); With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. and a View of the Progress of Society from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 1763 in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to His Son
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal (Volume 10)