1,678 books • 70 series
The Vicar of Bullhampton (Penguin Trollope S., v. 27) (Complete Novels of Anthony Trollope)
Macdernots Balycloran 3vl (Ireland, from the Act of Union, 1800, to the Death of Parnel, #53)
The Kellys and the O'Kellys (Penguin Trollope S., v. 2) (Complete Novels of Anthony Trollope)
Why Frau Frohmann Raised Her Prices (Penguin Trollope S., v. 46) (Harting Grange Library)
Kept in the Dark (Penguin Trollope S., v. 47) (Complete Novels of Anthony Trollope) (Pocket Classics S.)
Thackeray (Cambridge Library Collection - English Men of Letters) (English Men of Letters 39 Volume Set)