437 books • 20 series
English Language and Literature - Positions and Dispositions (Salzburg studies: English & American studies, #16)
The Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice: the 1821 Acting Version (Salzburg studies: Poetic drama & poetic theory, 69:2)
Songs, by the Ettrick Shepherd (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834) (The Collected Works of James Hogg)
Richard Whytford's "the Pype or Tonne of the Life of Perfection" (Salzburg studies: Elizabethan & Renaissance studies, 89:1:1)
Essays in Honour of Erwin Sturzl on His Sixtieth Birthday (Salzburg studies: English & American studies, 10:2)
Robert Browning and the Victorian Theatre (Salzburg studies: English & American studies, 4:2)
The Leysin Version of James Elroy Flecker's "Hassan" (Salzburg studies: Poetic drama & poetic theory, #30)