96 books • 8 series
"How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies" and "Talking with the Planets"
Miscellaneous Writings
MIS Inventos
My Inventions & Other Essays (Heathen Edition)
Les expérimentations sur les courants alternatifs à haut potentiel et à haute fréquence de Nikola Tesla
The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla and Other Works (Leather-Bound Classics)
Le Mie Invenzioni
Sulla Luce e altri Fenomeni ad Alta Frequenza
Esperimenti con le Correnti Alternate ad Alto Voltaggio e Frequenza
My Inventions and Other Writings and Lectures
My Inventions, Autobiography of Nikola Tesla
Electrical Experimenter (Science and Invention)
The Nikola Tesla Collection
Autobiography Collection
Tesla'S German and American Patents
My Inventions - Illustrated
La Autobiografía de Nikola Tesla (Biblioteca del Exito, #159)
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (annotated)
My Inventions - The Classic Autobiography of Nikola Tesla
Transmission of Power
Experimente mit Strömen hoher Wechselzahl und Frequenz
On Electricity
Tesla: the FBI Files
A New System of Alternate Current Motors and Transformers