277 books • 2 series
A History of the United States, For the Use of Schools and Academies
Great Cities of the World
Universal Naval History
Remarkable Events in the History of America, from the Earliest Times to the Year 1848
A Complete History of the Hungarian War, Including Outline History of Hungary and Biographical Notices of the Most Distinguished Officers - War College Series
Indian Wars of the United States, from the Discovery to the Present Time. with Accounts of the Origin, Manners, Superstitions, &C. of the Aborigines .. - War College Series
Frost's Pictorial History of Indian Wars and Captivities, from the Earliest Record of American History to the Present Time - War College Series
The Mexican War and Its Warriors; Comprising a Complete History of All the Operations of the American Armies in Mexico - With Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Most Distinguished Officers in the Regular Army and Volunteer Force - War College Series
Border Wars of the West. Comprising the Frontier Wars of Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee and Wisconsin, Etc. - War College Series
The Presidents of the United States - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Swamp Fox - Scholar's Choice Edition
Indian Wars of the United States - War College Series
Indian Wars of the United States - Scholar's Choice Edition
History of the United States of North America - Scholar's Choice Edition
Pictorial Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Life of Daniel Webster; The Statesman and the Patriot. Containing Numerous Anecdotes
The Wonders of History; Comprising Remarkable Battles, Sieges, Feats of Arms, and Instances of Courage, Ability, and Magnanimity, Occurring in the Ann
Frost's Pictorial History of California; History of the State of California. from the Period of the Conquest of Spain, to Her Occupation by the United
Interessante Abenteuer Unter Den Indianern; Enth. D. Merkwurdigsten Begebenheiten in D. Ersten Indian. Kriegen Sowie Auch Ereignisse Wahrend D. Neuern
Life of Henry Clay; The Statesman and the Patriot ...
The Book of Good Examples Drawn from Authentic History and Biography
Dispatch from Disneyland
The Chinese Repository, Volume 7 - Primary Source Edition
American Naval Biography, Comprising Lives of the Commodores, and Other Commanders Distinguished in the History of the American Navy - Primary Source