58 books
The Detector of Quackery; Or Analyser of Medical Philosophical [&C.] Imposture
The Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq. in Prose and Verse with a Memoir of the Author
Life of General George Washington, Late President of the United States of America and Commander in Chief of Their Armies During the Revolutionary War.
The Life of William Cowper, Esquire. with Critical Observations on His Poems
The English Metropolis; Or, London in the Year 1820. [By J.Corry].
The Mysterious Gentleman Farmer; Or, the Disguises of Love
A Satirical View of London at the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century, by an Observer [J. Corry].
The English Metropolis, Or, London in the Year 1820; Containing Satirical Strictures on Public Manners, Morals, and Amusements a Young Gentleman's Adventures and Characteristic Anecdotes of Several Eminent Individuals Who Now Figure in This Great Theatre of Te
Life of George Washington, Late President of the United States of America and Commander in Chief of Their Armies During the Revolutionary War.
The Life of George Washington, Late President and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America
The History of Liverpool; From the Earliest Authenticated Period Down to the Present Times
A Satirical View of London; Comprising Free Strictures on the Manners and Amusements of the Inhabitants of the English Metropolis Observations on Literature and the Fine Arts and Amusing Anecdotes of Public Characters
The History of Bristol, Civil and Ecclesiastical (Volume 1); Including Biographical Notices of Eminent and Distinguished Natives
The History of Bristol, Civil and Ecclesiastical. (Vol. 2 by J. Evans).
Odes and Elegies, with the Patriot, a Poem
"The Dog Shop"
The History of Bristol, Civil and Ecclesiastical; Including Biographical Notices of Eminent and Distinguished Natives Volume 1
The Patriot; A Poem, by a Citizen of the World.
The History of Bristol, Civil and Ecclesiastical (Volume 2); Including Biographical Notices of Eminent and Distinguished Natives
The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies, and Late President of the United States of America
A Satirical View of London
The Life of Joseph Priestly: With Critical Observations on His Works (Classic Reprint)
The English Metropolis, or London in the Year 1820
A Satirical View of London, or a Descriptive Sketch of the English Metropolis