481 books • 32 series
Stefan Zweig was an Austrian novelist, playwright, journalist and biographer. During the 1920s and 1930s, he was among the most popular writers in the world. Some of his other popular works are Letter from an Unknown Woman and Amok.
Trois Poetes de Leur Vie (Ldp Bib.Essais)
La pitie dangereuse
La peur.
Brulant Secret
Romans, Nouvelles Et Théâtre - Tome 2 (Ldp Litt.Theat.)
Romans Et Nouvelles - Tome 1 (Ldp Litt.Theat.)
Castellio Contra Calvino - Conciencia Contra Violencia
Lucha Contra El Demonio - Holderlin - Kleist - Nie
La Embriaguez de La Metamorfosis
Marie Stuart
The Invisible Collection Buchmendel
Correspondance T01
Tres Maestros
Carta de una Desconocida
Guiado Por Cuatro Estrellas
La Piedad Peligrosa
Decisive Moments in History
Fouche, El Genio Tenebroso
María Antonieta
Alfons Petzold - Stefan Zweig (Austrian Culture, #27)
Magallanes El Hombre y Su Gesta