125 books
The Morality of the Bible; Extracted from All the Canonical Books, Both of the Old and of the New Testament
The Catholic Christian Instructed
Works Volume 1-2
Think Well On't, Or, Reflections on the Great Thruths of the Christian Religion; For Every Day in the Month and the Thirty Days' Prayer
The Catholick Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrificeand Observances of the Church
Ordo Administrandi Sacramenta, Et Alia Quaedam Officia Ecclesiastica Rite Peragendi in Missione Anglicana, Ex Rituali Romano Extractus. [With] an Appendix to the Ritual, Containing Instructions and Exhortations [By R. Challoner].
Memoirs of Missionary Priests and Other Catholics of Both Sexes That Have Suffered Death in England on Religious Accounts from the Year 1577 to 1684
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Tr. Out of the Latin Vulgate; Revised and Corrected in 1750, According to the Clementine Edition of the Scriptures
The Glories of the Catholic Church Volume 1; The Catholic Christian Instructed in Defence of His Faith
A Memorial of Ancient British Piety; Or, a British Martyrology. Giving a Short Account of All Such Britons as Have Been Honoured of Old Amongst the Saints; ... to Which Is Annexed, a Translation of Two Ancient Saxon Manuscripts, Relating to the Burying Place
An Answer to a Roman Catholic Bishop's [R. Challoner's] Caveat Against the Methodists, by a Protestant [Signed C-].
The Wonders of God in the Wilderness; Or, the Lives of the Most Celebrated Saints of the Oriental Desarts Faithfully Collected Out of the Genuine Works of the Holy Fathers, and Other Ancient Ecclesiastical Writers
Considerations Upon Christian Truths and Christian Duties, Digested Into Meditations for Every Day in the Year [By R. Challoner]. by R. Challoner
The Lives of the Most Eminent Saints of the Oriental Deserts; Or, the Wilderness. to Which Is Added an Appendix, Containing a Collection of Remarkable
The Grounds of the Old Religion, Or, Some General Arguments in Favour of the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Communion; Collected from Both Ancient and Mo
The Glories of the Catholic Church (Volume 2); The Catholic Christian Instructed in Defence of His Faith
A Short History of the First Beginning and Progress of the Protestant Religion [By R. Challoner].
The Glories of the Catholic Church (Volume 3); The Catholic Christian Instructed in Defence of His Faith
Memoirs of Missionary Priests and Other Catholics of Both Sexes, That Have Suffered Death in England on Religious Accounts from the Year 1577 to 1684 Volume 1
Memoirs of Missionary Priests (Volume 1); And Other Catholics of Both Sexes, That Have Suffered Death in England on Religious Accounts, from the Year 1577 to 1684 - By Bishop Challoner
Memoirs of Missionary Priests (Volume 1-2); And Other Catholics of Both Sexes, That Have Suffered Death in England on Religious Accounts, from the Year 1577 to 1684 - By Bishop Challoner
Considerations Upon Christian Truths and Christian Duties, Digested Into Meditations for Every Day in the Year
The Imitation of Christ, in Four Books, by Thomas a Kempis, Tr. by R. Challoner, with Reflections Tr. from the Fr. and Prayers [From the Fr. of J. de Gonnelieu].
The Garden of the Soul or a Manuel of Spiritual Exercises and Instructions for Christians