214 books
Christus Consolator, Short Readings from the Sermons of Dr. Pusey, Selected by a Lady
Daniel the Prophet
The Church of England Leaves Her Children Free to Whom to Open Their Griefs, a Letter [In Reply to the Royal Supremacy by T.W. Allies].
First Letter to the Very REV. J. H. Newman, D.D.
Tract XC
The Doctrine of the Real Presence as Set Forth in the Works of Divines and Others of the English Church Since the Reformation [Ed. by E.B. Pusey].
The Confessions of St. Augustine
Prayers Gathered from the Writings of ... Edward Bouverie Pusey, by E.H. and F.H. Penitence
An Eirenicon in a Letter to the Author of the Christian Year
On the Clause "And the Son" in Regard to the Eastern Church and the Bonn Conference
Private Prayers, Ed., with a Preface, by H.P. Liddon
Selections from the Writings of Edward Bouverie Pusey
Modern Hagiology
Personal Responsibility of Man
The Danger of Riches, Seek God First and Ye Shall Have All
Daniel the Rophet
A Course of Sermons on Solemn Subjects Chiefly Bearing on Repentance and Amendment of Life
The Confessions of S. Augustine
Eleven Addresses
Sermons for the Church's Seasons
First Letter
Ten Sermons During a Retreat for Clergy and a Mission for the People
The Articles Treated on in Tract 90 Reconsidered and Their Interpretation Vindicated
An Eirenicon