33 books • 1 series
My Diary; North and South, In Two Volumes
Canada, its Defences, Condition, and Resources; Being a third and concluding volume of "My Diary, North and South"
My Diary
Tagebuch meiner Reise durch den Norden und Süden der Vereinigten Staaten in den Jahren 1861 und 1862
General Todleben's History of the Defence of Sebastopol
The Atlantic Telegraph (1865)
The Complete Works of Sir William Howard Russell
The Crimean diary and letters of Lieut.-General Sir Charles Ash Windham
The Civil War in America Fuller's Modern Age, August 1861
My Diary, North and South, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
A Visit to Chile and the Nitrate Fields of Tarapaca, Etc.
My Diary in India, in the Year 1858-9
My Diary in India, in the Year 1858-9; Volume 1
The War. from the Death of Lord Raglan to the Evacuation of the Crimea
Running the Blockade
My Diary North and South, Volumes 1-2
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands
My Diary in India, Vol. 2 of 2: In the Year 1858-9 (Large Text Classic Reprint)
The British Expedition to the Crimea (Classic Reprint)
The British Expedition to the Crimea
A Diary in the East
The Civil War in America
The Adventures of Doctor Brady
My Diary in India, in the Year 1858-9; Volume 2