84 books • 1 series
Outspoken Essays (Second Series)
The Philosophy of Plotinus ..; Volume 2
Outspoken Essays [first Series]
The Religious Philosophy of Plotinus and Some Modern Philosophies of Religion
Personal Idealism and Mysticism; The Paddock Lectures for 1906, Delivered at the General Seminary, New York
The Idea of Progress
Faith and Knowledge
Truth and Falsehood in Religion; Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge to Undergraduates in the Lent T
Contentio Veritatis
Christian Mysticism, Considered in Eight Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford
The Philosophy of Plotinus (Volume 1)
Truth and Falsehood in Religion
Society in Rome Under the Caesars
Studies of English Mystics; St. Margaret's Lectures, 1905
The Church and the Age
Truth and Falsehood in Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge to Undergraduates
Personal Idealism and Mysticism
The Victorian Age
Christian Mysticism (Dodo Press)
Outspoken Essays (Dodo Press)
Truth and Falsehood in Religion; Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge to Undergraduates in the Lent Term, 1906
Outspoken Essays