36 books • 2 series
The Works of Mr. George Lillo, Vol. 1
Lillo's Dramatic Works, Vol. 1 of 2
Britannia and Batavia a masque
Dramatic Works, with Memoirs of the Author
Lillo's Dramatic Works, with Memoirs of the Author, Vol. 2
The Works of Mr. George Lillo, with Some Account of His Life, Vol. 2
The London Merchant, or the History of George Barnwell and Fatal Curiosity (Classic Reprint)
The London Merchant, or the History of George Barnwell
The London Merchant, or the History of George Barnwell: As It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane by His Majesty's Servants (Large Text Classic Reprint)
George Barnwell
Scanderbeg, the Christian Hero
Fatal Curiosity, a Tragedy
The London Merchant; Or, the History of George Barnwell, and Fatal Curiosity
The British Stage
Lillo's Dramatic Works Volume 2; Fatal Curiosity, a Tragedy. Marina, a Play. Elmerick Or, Justice Triumphant, a Tragedy. Britannia and Batavia, a Masque. Arden of Feversham, a Tragedy
Lillo's Dramatic Works (Volume 1); With Memoirs of the Author
Georg Barnwell, Oder Der Kaufmann Von London
Arden of Feversham
The London Merchant; Or, the History of George Barnwell, and Fatal Curiosity. Edited by Adolphus William Ward
The Fatal Curiosity. a Tragedy. by Mr. George Lillo. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Originally Acted at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market. Regulated from the Prompt-Book, by Permission of the Manager. ...
Sylvia; Or, the Country Burial. an Opera. as It Is Performed at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields.
Silvia; Or, the Country Burial. an Opera. as It Is Perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn Fields. Written by Mr. Lillo, ... with the Musick Prefix'd to Each Song. the Second Edition, [sic]
The fatal curiosity. A true tragedy of three acts. As it is acted at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Mr. Lillo.