435 books • 56 series
David A. Adler is an American author of over 250 books for children and young adults. He lives in New York.
Disabled Athletes
¡Patea, Pipo! (Kick It, Mo! Spanish Edition) (Mo Jackson)
Cesar Chavez: Un libro ilustrado (Picture Book Biography)
A Pair of Parrots (I Like to Read Comics)
Get on the Ice, Mo! (Mo Jackson, #8)
David A. Adler's Kindergarten Math Workbook
David A. Adler's First Grade Math Workbook
Spike It, Mo! (Mo Jackson, #7)
The Ups and Downs of Gravity
Danny's Doodles: The Dog Biscuit Breakfast (Danny's Doodles Series, #3)
Run, Mo, Run! (Mo Jackson)
Swim, Mo, Swim! (Mo Jackson)
A Picture Book of Alexander Hamilton (Picture Book Biography)
Telling Time
Solids, Liquids, Gases, and Plasma
Squares, Rectangles, and other Quadrilaterals
Kick It, Mo! (Mo Jackson, #4)
Light Waves
Pass the Ball, Mo! (Mo Jackson, #3)
Money Math
Yom Kippur Shortstop
Let's Estimate
Magnets Push, Magnets Pull