332 books
Legislation to cover prescription drugs under Medicare
U.S.-China bilateral trade agreement and the accession of China to the WTO
Year 2000 conversion efforts and implications for beneficiaries and taxpayers
Waste, fraud, and abuse
Seniors' access to prescription drug benefits
Patient appeals in health care
Child protection oversight
Social Security's readiness for the impending wave of baby boomer beneficiaries
Social security and pension reform
Second in series on welfare reform
Employee and employer views on retirement security
Third in a series on social security disability programs' challenges and opportunities
Welfare reform and child support enforcement
Impact of tax law on land use, conservation, and preservation
Health care tax credits to decrease the number of uninsured
U.S. trade relations with Sub-Saharan Africa
Medicare regulatory and contracting reform
Medicare coverage decisions and beneficiary appeals
Use and effect of unilateral trade sanctions
Review of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) requirements for religious organizations
United States-Japan trade relations
Retirement security and defined contribution plans
First in series on effect of federal tax laws on the production, supply, and conservation of energy