104 books
Characteristics, Political, Philosophical, and Religious, from the Writings of Henry Edward Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, Arranged by W.S. Lilly
A sermon preached on the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 1853, in the Church of St. Gregory the Great, in Rome at the solemn benediction of the Right Reverend Father M. Bernard Burder
A charge delivered at the ordinary visitation of the archdeaconry of Chichester
A sermon preached in the cathedral church of Chichester
A charge
The good shepherd a sermon preached on the feast of St. Charles, 1860
Sermons Volume 4
Sermons Volume 3
Sermons on Ecclesiastical Subjects with an Introduction on the Relations of England to Christianity
Sermons Volume N . 3; Series the First[-Third]
The Independence of the Holy See. with an Appendix, Containing the Papal Allocution, of March, 1877, and an Engl. Translation
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi, Tr., and Ed. by H.E. Manning
Rome or Reason; A Series of Articles Contributed to the North American Review
Sermons, Volume 2...
Letters on Subjects of the Day
The Grounds of Faith, 4 Lectures
La Mission Temporelle Du Saint-Esprit, Ou Raison Et Revelation...
The Rule of Faith, a Sermon. [With] Appendix, Containing an Examination of Certain Popular Objections, and Further Proofs of the Statements Advanced
The Fourfold Sovreignty of God (Lects.).
The Vatican Council and Its Definitions; A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy
Ireland; A Letter to Earl Grey
Characteristics, Political, Philosophical and Religious
The Oecumenical Council and the Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff
The Grounds of Faith; Four Lectures Delivered in St. George's Church, Southwark