5,559 books
Travel vs. terrorism
Renewable energy technologies--research directions, investment opportunities, and challenges to commercial application in the United States and the developing world
Wasted space, wasted dollars
Poverty, public housing, and the CRA
Balancing act
OMB's financial management line of business initiative, do recent changes to the implementation guidance clarify the rules?
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act 4 years later
Gangs, fraud, and sexual predators
Detecting nuclear weapons and radiological materials
Hearing on the emergency preparedness of the House and the evacuation of May 11, 2005
HIV/AIDS in Asia
Porous borders and downstream costs
The Northern Ireland peace process
Plan Colombia
U.S. trade agreements with Latin America
Renewable energy opportunities and issues on federal lands
Saving the savings clause
H.R. 4761, "Domestic Energy Production through Offshore Exploration and Equitable Treatment of State Holdings Act of 2006"
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE)
Firearms Corrections and Improvements Act
Potential increases in aviation passenger delay during the 2004 travel season
Hearing on managing the use of imaging services
Funding for first responders
Employing veterans of our Armed Forces