5,559 books
What is the administration's record in relieving burden on small business?
Three years after 9/11
Water scarcity in the Middle East
Constitutional limitations on domestic surveillance
Electronic government
Legal threats to traditional marriage
The challenges and opportunities facing disability claims processing in 2006
The capital region's critical link
Oversight hearing on the elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse in mandatory transportation programs
The Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Act of 2006 (discussion draft)
Supreme Court's Kelo decision and potential Congressional responses
Commercial fishing vessel safety
African-American Farmers Benefit Relief Act of 2007 and the Pigford Claims Remedy Act of 2007
Implementation of the Math and Science Partnership Program
Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC) and its relationship with the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security
Is the Labor Department doing enough to protect U.S. workers?
The transition from the Federal Aviation Administration to contractor-operated flight service stations
Board of Trustees 2004 annual reports
The National Preparedness System
Presidential signing statements under the Bush administration
H.R. 348, H.R. 843, H.R. 1735, H.R. 2206, H.R. 2612, H.R. 3936, H.R. 4065, H.R. 4172, H.R. 4173, and a draft bill
How is America safer?
The President's FY08 Federal Aviation Administration's Budget
Recovering after Hurricane Katrina