5,559 books
Due process and the NCAA
Allegations of waste, fraud, and abuse in pharmaceutical pricing
The investigation of the World Trade Center collapse
What's the hold up?
Information security in the federal government
Review of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office operations, including analysis of Government Accountability Office, Inspector General, and National Academy of Public Administrarion reports
DTV staff discussion draft of the DTV Transition Act of 2005
Public safety communications from 9/11 to Katrina
Credit union regulatory improvements
Stabilizing insurance markets for coastal consumers
Reauthorization of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
H.R. 3206, the Credit Union Charter Choice Act
Oversight of the Export-Import Bank of the United States
Oversight of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Common sense justice for the nation's capital
The Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act of 2003
Developments in labor law
Review of the repatriation of Holocaust art assets in the United States
Current issues related to medical liability reform
Internet protocol and broadband services legislation
Successful homeownership and renting through housing counseling
Betting on transparency
Will "Networx" work"?
Hearing on the conduct of elections and proposals for reform