5,559 books
Strong oversight at the Department of Homeland Security
Tracking and disrupting terrorist financial networks
U.S. military redeployment from Iraq
United Nations Chapter VII mandates and the U.S.-Iraq bilateral agreement
U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy reset requirements
The irregular warfare roadmap
Veterans health care in Michigan's Upper Peninsula
To consider possible impeachment of United States District Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. Pt. IV
The near-term outlook for the U.S. economy
The future of the National Mall
The Montreal Protocol and global warming
The future of Japan
Crisis in the Andes
Cover blown
The future of FEMA's Grant Programs Directorate
The Internal Revenue Service operations and the 2010 tax return filing season
H.R. 295, H.R. 670, H.R. 991, H.R. 1160, and H.R. 1670
Reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
Effective counterinsurgency
The resilient homeland
Full committee hearing on oversight of the Small Business Administration and its programs
Accelerated education benefits for veterans
Demanding accountability in national service programs