5,559 books
Revitalizing America's manufacturers
Improving insurance for consumers
EEO data and complaint processing problems
Immigration and Naturalization Service's (INS's) interactions with Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayet
Direct broadcast satellite service and competition in the multichannel video distribution market
International prescription drug parity
Issues at the northern border
The Ryan White Care Act Amendments of 2000
Is drug use up or down? What are the implications?
The European Union's financial services action plan and its implications for the American financial services industry
Market data
Lessons learned from the Government Information Security Reform Act of 2000
H.R. 220, the Freedom and Privacy Restoration Act
Constitutional perspective of campaign finance reform
Federal budget process structural reform
Russia's foreign policy objectives
The state of the international financial system and IMF reform
What regulations are needed to ensure air security?
VA research and nonprofit VA research corporations and education foundations
The EU data protection directive
Disappearing tax dollars
Child protection oversight
World Bank and IMF activities in Africa