430 books • 3 series
The Publication of the Surtees Society, Established in the Year M.DCCC.XXXIV
The Primer, or Office of the B. Virgin Mary, Revis'd
The Office of the Holy Week, According to the Roman Missal and Breviary
Las Horas de Nuestra Senora Segun El USO Romano
Deklaratsiia Nezavisimosti, Stati Konfederatsii, Konstitutsiia Soedinennykh Shtatov
Lettre Pastorale
The Primer, or Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Catechisme Et Sommaire de la Religion Chrestinne
The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII
Bula de la Santidad de Inocencio XI En Que Condena Sesenta y Ocho Proposiciones de Miguel de Molinos (Classic Reprint)
Martyrologe Romain (Classic Reprint)
Manuel Des Cérémonies Romaines, Vol. 1
Ceremonies de la Consecration d'Un Eveque Selon Le Pontifical Romain
Ordo for 1864, or Directory for the Divine Office, and the Celebration of Mass, &c (Classic Reprint)
Instructions En Forme de Catechisme Sur Le Jubile, Accorde' Par N. S. P. Le Pape Gregoire XVI Par Ses Lettres Apostoliques Du 2 Decembre 1832, Avec Le Mandement de Monseigneur l'Eveque de Quebec, a l'Occasion Du Jubile
Form for the Ordination of a Priest of the Catholic Church (Classic Reprint)
Fibel Und Kleiner Katechismus Fur Die Katholischen Volksschulen Im Kaiserthum OEsterreich (Classic Reprint)
Il Sacrifizio Dell'altare
The Office for Holy Week and of the Paschal Triduum According to the American Rite (Classic Reprint)
The Roman Martyrology
The Doctrinal Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent (Classic Reprint)
The Sarum Missal, in English (Classic Reprint)
Exhorting Unity in Opposing World Evils