446 books • 3 series
On the Plains; Or, the Race for Life; A Story of Adventure in the Black Hills
The People's Standard History of the United States Volume 1; From the Landing of the Norsemen to the Present Time
The Indian Wars of the United States; From the First Settlement at Jamestown, in 1607, to the Close of the Great Uprising of 1890-91
Standard Elementary Arithmetic; Combining Oral and Written Exercises
The People's Standard History of the United States Volume 5; From the Landing of the Norsemen to the Present Time
The National History of the United States Volume 5
Thrilling Adventures Among the American Indians
The People's Standard History of the United States Volume 6; From the Landing of the Norsemen to the Present Time
Klondike Nuggets and How Two Boys Secured Them
Adrift In The Wilds; Or, The Adventures Of Two Shipwrecked Boys
The Telegraph Messenger Boy- The Straight Road to Success
The Riflemen of the Miami
The Life of Pontiac the Conspirator, Chief of the Ottawas
Fire, Snow and Water; Or, Life in the Lone Land
From Tent to White House; Or, How a Poor Boy Became President
Comrades True; Or Perseverance Versus Genius
The Camp-Fires of General Lee, from the Peninsula to the Appomattox Court-House; With Reminiscences of the March, the Camp, the Bivouac and of Personal Adventure
History of the German People from the First Authentic Annals to the Present Time Volume 12
History of the German People from the First Authentic Annals to the Present Time Volume 9
Lost in Samoa; A Tale of Adventure in the Navigator Islands
A Jaunt Through Java; The Story of a Journey to the Sacred Mountain by Two American Boys
Catamount Camp
Among the Esquimaux, Or, Adventures Under the Arctic Circle
Plucky Jo