4,292 books • 1 series
Budgeting in the Congress
H.R. 6080, to establish the "Mineral Commodity Information Agency (MCIA)" within the Department of the Interior
Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act
Remedies for small copyright claims
Peer-to-peer piracy on university campuses
Fraudulent Online Identity Sanctions Act
Issues affecting jobs in the forests industry
Comprehensive immigration reform
Treasury Department fiscal year 2008 budget
Reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism
Department of Education budget priorities for fiscal year 2005
Federal offender reentry and protecting children from criminal recidivists
Keeping the lights on and maintaining Wyoming's jobs
Review of agricultural conservation
The Department of Defense and the fiscal year 2008 budget
Continuing investigation into the U.S. Attorneys controversy
Economic development and the Dormant Commerce Clause
H.R. 4318, the Outer Continental Shelf Natural Gas Relief Act
S. 1721, a bill to amend the Indian Land Consolidation Act to improve provisions relating to probate of trust and restricted land
Fiscal year 2005 budget for the National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management and ongoing efforts to reduce maintenance backlogs
Line-item veto
Department of the Treasury budget priorities for fiscal year 2005
The economic outlook and current fiscal issues
U.S. history