4,292 books • 1 series
GAO report on NOAA's weather satellite program
Review of the federal crop insurance system
Olympic family
The Endangered Species Act and its impact on agricultural producers
The future of renewable fuels and flex-fuel vehicles
The U.S. Code's impact on revenue projections and the federal budget
Weak bilateral law enforcement presence at the U.S.-Mexico border
Domestic entitlements
Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2005
Cyber-Security Enhancement and Consumer Data Protection Act of 2006
Lobbying Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
Domestic entitlements and the federal budget
Presidential Succession Act
Examining the impacts of the Endangered Species Act on southern New Mexico
PBGC's unfunded pension liabilities
Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act, and the Identity Theft Investigation and Prosecution Act of 2003
Criminal Restitution Improvement Act of 2006
Illegal Immigration Enforcement and Social Security Protection Act of 2005
Transportation research and development
Restoring forests after catastrophic events
Live from space
Meeting electricity demand in the West through responsible development of energy rights-of-way on federal lands
"Minimum internal control standards" (MICS) for Indian gaming
The Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program