4,292 books • 1 series
Designation/reauthorization of national heritage areas
Science and ethics of human cloning
President's fiscal year 2008 budget (revenue proposals)
State of the United States Olympic Committee (USOC)
A review of the USDA mandatory livestock reporting program
Direct to consumer advertising (DTC)
Competition and convergence
Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War; tributes to America's veterans; sites honoring presidents; lands in Everglades National Park; El Camino Real De Los Tejas; and hydroelectric power of the Tapoco Project
Spectrum management and third generation wireless service
Nomination of W. Ralph Basham
First responders' program in fiscal year 2003 budget
Examine coastal erosion causes, effects and solutions in Louisiana, including the Louisiana Coastal Area Ecosystem Restoration Plan proposed for authorization in the Water Resources Development Act of 2005
Nominations to the Federal Communications Commission, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Federal Maritime Commission, and Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Government role in promoting the future of the telecommunications industry and broadband deployment
Oregon's maritime commerce
S. 415, Aviation Competition Restoration Act
Healthcare in the District of Columbia
Aviation security and impacts associated with the regulatory and statutory requirements of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA)
Bus and truck security and hazardous materials licensing
To review the implementation of the peanut provisions of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
Nominations of Harvey S. Rosen, Kristin J. Forbes, Julie L. Myers, and Peter Lichtenbaum
Advanced technology vehicles
Protecting consumers from fraudulent practices in the moving industry
Policies to enforce the Bank Secrecy Act and prevent money laundering in money services businesses and the gaming industry