4,292 books • 1 series
Energy supplies in Eurasia and implications for U.S. energy security
The current situation in Sudan and the prospects for peace
Energy security in Latin America
Ensuring the U.S. intelligence community supports homeland defense and departmental needs
Nomination of Hon. John R. Bolton to be U.S. Representative to the United Nations
PBGC reform
Performance and outcome measurement in substance abuse and mental health programs
The role small business should play in maintaining forest health
Improper payments
Preserving the rule of law in the fight against terrorism
Cable competition
Nomination of Paul A. Schneider
Looking at our homeless veterans programs
Internet pharmacy and drug importation
Competition in sports programming and distribution
Nomination of Hon. Philip J. Perry
Youth suicide prevention
Back from the battlefield
Native American Indian housing programs
Nomination of Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden, USAF, to be Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
S. 2349, the Playwrights Licensing Antitrust Initiative Act
Field hearing on the state of VA care in Hawaii