4,292 books • 1 series
Agriculture's role in a renewable fuels standard
Review of the specialty crop industry
White collar enforcement
Federal recognition and acknowledgment process by the Bureau of Indian Affairs
H.R. 3283, a bill to improve recreational facilities and visitor opportunities on federal recreational lands by reinvesting receipts from fair and consistent recreational fees and passes
Reauthorization of the U.S. Department of Justice
National Science Foundation budget and management challenges
Progress in consolidating terrorist watchlists
Should Congress establish "ARPA-E," the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy?
Families and businesses in limbo
Cyber security education
How does illegal immigration impact American taxpayers and will the Reid-Kennedy amnesty worsen the blow?
The president's budget
The role of social science research in disaster preparedness and response
Industry competition and consolidation
NASA's science mission directorate
The impact of federal energy efficiency and renewable energy R&D programs
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Organic Acts
Immigration enforcement resources authorized in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
State and local issues and municipal networks
Net neutrality
Federal Reserve's second monetary policy report for 2005
Federal Bureau of Investigation's information technology modernization program, Trilogy
Nominations to the Federal Trade Commission, Department of Transportation, and Department of Commerce