4,292 books • 1 series
Nomination of Joshua B. Bolten
Federal efforts to coordinate and prepare the United States for bioterrorism
Transforming the Department of Defense personnel system
Status of tribal fish and wildlife management programs
Tribal Energy Self-Sufficiency Act and the Native American Energy Development and Self-Determination Act
The report of the Presidential Commission on the U.S. Postal Service
Indian Health Care Improvement Act
Rating entertainment ratings
Oversight of government-sponsored enterprises
Nomination of Hon. Thomas "Tom" J. Ridge
Promoting the best interests of children
The District of Columbia Circuit
Reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21)
Agriculture concentration and competition
To review the implementation of the 2002 farm bill
The state of financial literacy and education in America
Biennial budgeting
Abandoned mined land reclamation needs of the Pennsylvania anthracite fields
Water management and endangered species issues in the Klamath Basin
The tobacco quota buyout
Hydropower river management and salmon recovery issues on the Columbia/Snake River system
A closer look
H.R. 1835, "National Security Readiness Act"