4,292 books • 1 series
Mutual funds
Nominations of Stewart A. Baker and Julie L. Myers
U.S. preference programs
Confirmation hearing on the nomination of Claude A. Allen, of Virginia, to be circuit judge for the Fourth Circuit and Mark R. Filip, of Illinois, to be district judge for the Northern District of Illinois
Improving the administration of justice
The role of employer-sponsored retirement plans in increasing national savings
Interstate waste and flow control
Enhancing the role of the private sector in public transportation
Then and now
Examining the performance of U.S. trade and food aid programs for the 2007 farm bill
Confirmation hearing on the nominations of Rachel L. Brand, Alice S. Fisher, and Regina B. Schofield to be assistant attorneys general
Letting the people decide
Benefits of a healthy marriage
Judicial activism vs. democracy
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Interrupting terrorist travel
Environmental impacts of natural gas supply
Tax shelters
Safeguarding the merit system
Counterfeiting and theft of tangible intellectual property
S. 1358--the Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003
Securing the National Capital Region
Examining the prevalence of and solutions to stopping violence against Indian women