4,292 books • 1 series
House military naturalization bills
Theme study to identify sites of Cold War, study sites in Beaufort, SC, McLoughlin House in Oregon City, OR, boundary of Glen Canyon Recreation Area, and San Gabriel River Watershed resource study
Illegal trafficking of archaeological resources, protection of paleontological resources, and designate certain waterways in Puerto Rico
New Mexico water supply
HUD's management challenges
The state of the NATO alliance
Trafficking in women and children in East Asia and beyond
H.R. 273, H.R. 274, H.R. 289 and H.R. 417
Nomination of Ross O. Swimmer
Domestic response capabilities for terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction
Internet education
What's next in the war on terrorism?
FEMA's response to the September 11th attacks
Child Custody Protection Act
H.R. 2234 and H.R. 2238
Standards Development Organization Advancement Act of 2003
Community-based land management and charter forests
Remediation of uranium and thorium processing sites
Nomination of Dr. James R. Mahoney to be Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy Administrator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Confirmation hearing on the nomination of Eduardo Aguirre, Jr. to be Director, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security
The political future of Afghanistan
Dot Kids Name Act of 2001
Review of Department of Justice immigration detention policies
H.R. 4968, to provide for the exchange of lands in Utah