4,292 books • 1 series
Investing in homeland security
Responding to the public health threat of West Nile virus
S. 159, a bill to elevate the Environmental Protection Agency to a cabinet-level department
Long-term care insurance for federal employees
Addressing unmet needs in women's health
Empty seats in a lifeboat
Protecting constitutional freedoms in the face of the terrorism
The application of federal antitrust laws to major league baseball
Should the Office of Homeland Security have more power?
Hispanic health
Accounting for business combinations
Improving insurance for consumers
Immigration and Naturalization Service's (INS's) interactions with Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayet
Direct broadcast satellite service and competition in the multichannel video distribution market
The Ryan White Care Act Amendments of 2000
Federal budget process structural reform
Strategic petroleum reserve
Prescription drugs
Securing the health of the American people
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997
Mid-session review and update of the budget and economic outlook
Recreational access to public lands
Yosemite Valley plan
The President's healthy forests initiative and H.R. 5214, H.R. 5309 and H.R. 5319