4,292 books • 1 series
Nominations of Dr. Lael Brainard, Mary John Miller, and Charles Collyns
Current and projected threats to the national security
Music and radio in the 21st century
Tax issues related to Ponzi schemes and an update on offshore tax evasion legislation
Nomination of Hon. Paul A. Schneider
Rising costs, low quality in health care
Securing the northern border
A comparison of international housing finance systems
The immediate and underlying causes and consequences of Kenya's flawed election
Indian energy development
The future of the mortgage market and the housing enterprises
Seniors feeling the squeeze
Investing in infrastructure
Federal Reserve's first monetary policy report for 2008
An update on the TARP program
A 21st century transportation system
Examining the state of the domestic automobile industry
Energy development on public lands and the outer continental shelf
Off-road highway vehicles
U.S. economic relations with China
Nominations of Neel Kashkari, Christopher Wall, Sheila McNamara Greenwood, Susan Peppler, Joseph Murin, Luis Aguilar, Troy Paredes, Elisse Walter, Donald Marron, and Michael Fryzel
National security reform
Opportunities and challenges in the U.S.-China economic relationship
Foundation of international tax reform