4,292 books • 1 series
Revitalizing rural America
Nomination of Dr. Donald M. Kerr to be Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Implementation of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
Responding to the growing need for federal judgeships
Eliminating waste and fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
Current and projected national security threats to the United States
Reporters' privilege legislation
S. 2956, the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Water Rights Settlement Act, and S. 3290, the Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement Act of 2010
The role of financial derivatives in the current financial crisis
U.S. Virgin Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Puerto Rico, and political status public education programs
Reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program
Hearing to review U.S. farm safety net programs in advance of the 2012 farm bill
Federal Reserve's first monetary policy report for 2011
Examination of federal food safety oversight in the wake of peanut products recall
Nominations to the Department of Transportation, the Department of Commerce, and the Executive Office of the President
Non-foreign COLA
Consolidation of NASD and the regulatory functions of the NYSE
On the path to great educational results for the District's public schools?
Offline and off-budget
Modernization of Federal Housing Administration programs
Federal Reserve's second monetary policy report for 2010
The Treasury Department's report to Congress on international economic and exchange rate policy (IEERP) and the U.S.-China strategic economic dialogue
The President's foreign affairs budget
Hawaii field hearings during the 111th Congress