209 books • 5 series
Schism in the Anglo-Saxon Race (Classic Reprint)
Rational Religion, and the Rationalistic Objections of the Bampton Lectures for 1858 (Classic Reprint)
Life of Jane Austen (Classic Reprint)
No Refuge But in Truth, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Lines of Religious Inquiry
The European Crisis of 1870
Irish History and the Irish Question; An Account of the Irish Land Code
On Some Supposed Consequences of the Doctrine of Historical Progress
The Conduct of England to Ireland, Jan. 30, 1882
Lectures on the Study of History, Delivered in Oxford, 1859-61; Pp. 1-189
The Poems of H. C. Bunner ..
Female Suffrage
An Address Delivered at the Dinner of the Committee and Stockholders of the "national Club," October 8, 1874 (Classic Reprint)
In Quest of Light (Classic Reprint)
Lectures and Essays (Classic Reprint)
A Plea for the Abolition of Tests
The Public School Candidates (Classic Reprint)
Does the Bible Sanction American Slavery? (Classic Reprint)
Female Suffrage (Classic Reprint)
The Political Relations of Canada to Great Britain and the United States
The Civil War in America
The Public School Question (Classic Reprint)
Canada First
The Early Years of Abraham Lincoln