101,446 books • 152 series
Beaumarchais Et Son Temps
The New Sporting Magazine, Volume 4
Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes
Y Cenhadwr Americanaidd
The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
Directory to the Iron and Steel Works of the United States
The Oxford History of Music...
The Story of the Outlaw
Works of Fisher Ames
Remarkable Shipwrecks; Or, a Collection of Interesting Accounts of Naval Disasters
The Life of William Wilberforce; Volume 5
The Monthly Review
The Elements of Astronomy
Life of James Ferguson, in a Brief Autobiographical Account and Further Extended Memoir, with Notes, by E. Henderson
The Good Housekeeping Hostess
Salopian Shreds and Patches; Volume 8
El Parnaso Oriental
Proces-Verbaux Et Memoires
Les Cents Nouvelles Nouvelles
The Christian Lyre
The Law of Fixtures
Journal Des Armes Speciales Et de L'Etat-Major
House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents
The Perlustration of Great Yarmouth, with Gorleston and Southtown; Volume 2