104 books • 51 series
Book #1: Auf dem Gipfel des Hügels, wo meine Liebe geboren wurde
Book #1: Az árnyékboszorkány
Book #1: Taisteal ama (Blúirí ama)
Book #1: An Cailleach de Shadowthorn
Book #6: An Cailleach de Shadowthorn 6
Book #1: Elia z Garethova a Kroniky NightGlenu
Book #1: Elia Of Gareth - The Chronicles of NightGlen
Book #1: Croniclau Elia o Gareth
Book #1: De heks van Schaduwdoorn
Book #1: Der Schatten der Zeit
Book #1: Elia von Gareth und die Chroniken von NightGlen
Book #1: Elia of Gareth - The Mystery of NightGlen
Book #1: Хрониките на Елия от Гарет
Book #2: The Elia Chronicles by Gareth 2
Book #1: The Elia Chronicles le Gareth
Book #1: The Elia Chronicles του Gareth
Book #1: A Lenda de Elia de Gareth - O Mistério de NightGlen
Book #1: Elia de Gareth y La Hechicera de Shadowthorn
Book #1: Die Zauberin des Schattendorns
Book #2: A Lenda Elia de Gareth e A Fonte Dos Desejos
Book #1: Retrocognição
Book #2: Retrocognição (Fragmentos do tempo)
Book #1: Retrocognition (Fragments of time)
Book #1: Garethin Elia' kronikat
Book #1: Heksen fra Skyggetorn
Book #1: The Letters of Mariya Iris
Book #1: Die Briefe von Mariya Iris