24 books • 6 series
Book #4: The Darenti Paradox
Book #1: Dark Quasar Rising
Book #2: Dark Quasar Ignites
Book #1: Krimson Run
Book #2: Krimson Spark
Book #3: Krimson Surge
Book #4: Krimson Flare
Book #2: Dirtside Decluttering
Book #2: The Dust of Kaku
Book #3: Stars, Stiffs and Stains
Book #3: Glitter in the Stars
Book #4: Sweeping S'Ride
Book #1: Superdreadnought 1
Book #3: Superdreadnought 3
Book #4: Superdreadnought 4
Book #5: Superdreadnought 5
Book #6: Superdreadnought 6
Book #1: The Rings of Grissom
Book #3: Waxing the Moon of Lewei
Book #4: Changing the Speed of Light Bulbs
Book #5: Sun Spot Remover