210 books • 38 series
Book #3: Victorious Opposition
Book #2: Colonisation: Down to Earth
Book #3: Aftershocks
Book #1: Second Contact
Book #1: Colonization: Second Contact
Book #2: Down to Earth
Book #2: Down to Earth
Book #3: Aftershocks
Book #43: Conan of Venarium
Book #2: Curious Notions
Book #3: In High Places
Book #4: The Disunited States of America
Book #5: The Gladiator
Book #6: The Valley-Westside War
Book #3: Through the Darkness
Book #4: Rulers of the Darkness
Book #1: Days of Infamy
Book #2: End of the Beginning
Book #1: Werenight
Book #2: Prince of the North
Book #1: Great War
Book #3: Walk in Hell
Book #3: Breakthroughs
Book #3: The Great War: Breakthroughs
Book #2: End of the Beginning
Book #1: The Bastard King
Book #1: The Bastard King
Book #2: The Chernagor Pirates
Book #2: The Chernagor Pirates
Book #1: Return Engagement
Book #2: Settling Accounts: Drive to the East
Book #2: Drive to the East
Book #3: The Grapple
Book #4: In at the Death
Book #2: How Few Remain
Book #1: Return Engagement
Book #2: Settling Accounts: Drive to the East
Book #3: The Grapple
Book #4: In at the Death